Saturday, November 22, 2014

November Gingerbread Houses

I made gingerbread dough a while ago. We've made cookies, we've eaten dough, and today we made teeny tiny houses. Just for fun. Q8 & K8 needed something to do. And after we did this K8 said this was the BEST SLEEPOVER EVER. Even though there had been no sleeping and it was 3:30 in the afternoon.

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They rolled out and cut out the dough. They made a HUGE mess. Hands in the flour, flour everywhere. But the pieces were baked and put together.

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I started to decorate the Eiffel Tower, but C10 returned from her cybersecurity activity at UMD and finished decorating the Eiffel Tower, and Q8 & K8 made identical houses.

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And here are the finished products!
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All the girls got sugar crazy. I mean sugar CRAZY.  So after they were done we took out the bikes and hit the park for a spin. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Mini tiny hike

Thursday it stopped raining and the sun came out and we took the dog to Buddy Attick Park in Greenbelt Park, about a mile and a quarter hike. We went a few years ago ... when Q was maybe 3 or 4? I don't exactly remember, I just remember we went with K and H as well, and we never got around the first turn of the very small lake.

But Thursday we did. And C10 was all about us getting photos of her. We brought G9 with us,  her mom F, and Lucy dog. It was a great walk, just what we needed.

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Good friends:
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And here are the realistic photos:

Q8 & C10 fighting as G9 looks on with a little trepidation.
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Crazy girls:
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Piano recital

SO, I wasn't there, but C10 did fine.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What we've been doing

The real answer to that is not much. But we made peanut butter butter cookies. C10 took charge of the beaters.

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They were unholy sweet. But they were the first peanut butter cookies I'd ever made, and made better by being peanut butter butter cookies, right? Delicious.

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We went shopping to get C10 a new winter coat, which I don't have a photo of. But Q8 got some accessories at the same time.

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That is more than enough purple, I think. But pretty darn cute.