Monday, November 3, 2008

Big questions:

They say kids ask the big questions in the car, when you are trapped and can't get away.

C4 came up with a doozy today.

C4: Was God built, or did He build Himself, or was He always there?
E38: (ah, er, what! the! hell! should! I! Say!!!) That's a question we can't really answer, but some faiths believe that God always was. [And so forth ... ]

I was mighty impressed with her question. I'm sure she was less than impressed by my answer. But she forged on.

C4: What about God's house?
E38: What about it?
C4: Did he build it or was it always there?
E38: What do you think?
E38: Where do you think he lives?
C4: Maybe we should get out the big map when we get home.

Which we will do tomorrow.

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