Sunday, February 1, 2009

First birthday party

Q2 went to her first birthday party of a friend from school (that is, not one of my friend's children!). The party was at the College Park Aviation Museum which was kinda nice, although I think it wasn't such a good idea for a 3 year old. We had a party coordinator, and did the following:

1) Free play
2) Make buttons/badges
3) Line up to get stickers for buttons/badges
4) Mini tour of the museum/visit the museum (but this was only 10-15 min!)
5) Wash hands, use toilet
6) Eat lunch
7) Do piƱata
8) Have cupcakes
9) Make airplanes/decorate a flying disc (er, frisbee)

So, I felt as if we were up, down, go here, go there, do this, do that, get back, come here, ok fine you are free to go. Q2 enjoyed herself, I think, and she seemed on the ball with all the directions, but I thought it would have been better with more play, less directing us around. These are 2 and 3 year olds, after all.

But, since I forgot the camera to document Q2's first party, I thought I'd share the excitement BEFORE the party.

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