Friday, August 7, 2009


Thursday, since the day started off rainy, we went duckpin bowling. Fun, fun, fun. Oh, my, yes. I think it is best described in pictures.

Our first whole string Q3 did not want to participate. Here is what she did the whole first string. Maybe I should have fed her before we went?

Q3 popcorn

C4 had a fantabulous time. She rolled the ball down the ally and flung her arms up after each roll in such a joyous way.

C4 bowling

Even when she was sitting down bowling.

C4 bowling from the grounds

She enjoyed scoring, of course.
C4 scoring

The ball rolled about 1-mile an hour, and sometimes didn't make it all the way down (um, for both of them we sometimes had more than one ball in the ally, and usually two or three in the gutter), but she did pretty well. Almost as well as I did. Which, I have to admit, isn't much of a feat, since I tend to be a dismal bowler. Well, obvioulsy, if a 4 year old gave me a run for my money.

And when Q finally decided to bowl, C4 wanted me to take her photo:

Finally, after the first string, Q was ready to play.

She loved picking up the balls.
Q3 with balls
And rolling the balls.

She first got a lot of help from Ninoo & Papa, but then she did it on her own. The funniest bit was when she and Ninoo would yell "Go baby, go!" at the ball.

And then jump in Ninoo's arms. Awww.

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