Monday, January 4, 2010


Yes, this is the time of year for imagining a garden. I know I do it. What to plant, where to plant, when to plant.

Q3 received a lovely gardening kit for Christmas which was the surprise sleeper hit of the season. She played with it the rest of the afternoon when the opened it, gardening on the ottoman. She wanted to bring it to Massachusetts, but we said no.

So when we got back -- to freeeeeezing weather, frozen ground, and small piles of snow -- she brought it right back out. And demanded some seeds.

Preparing the soil:

Digging (you can see she gives up with the trowel and moves onto the plant marker to dig out in the frozen tundra)

and planting and watering

What you DON'T see is the next 15 minutes while she meticulously waters and tends those seeds. And the next hour when she demands that we go out to look and see if they've grown at all.