Monday, March 22, 2010


C5 has been writing books. Books, books, and more books. Books about dogs and princessess. Most of them I throw away. Or stuff in her art drawer upstairs. But I thought I'd post her most recent here.

Princess Allyat1
The New Princess Allyat! Book 2

Princess Allyat2
The days are passing. Soon the book will be done.

Princess Allyat3
Once upon a time, A long time ago, there was a princess. Her name was Allyat. Chapter 1 Songs

Princess Allyat4
Allyat love to play. Very Much! The happy days are passing the happy days by.

Princess Allyat5
The days were passing. Always days pass.

Princess Allyat6
Passing days away away .... Long ago sang Allyat. (Singing songs makes you happy)

Princess Allyat7
Chapter 2 A new name. Singing is Fun.

Princess Allyat8
Allyat shortened her name to: Ally. Oh how Allyat loved the name Ally! Oh How!

Princess Allyat9
Chapter 3 Loving

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Allyat was faling in love with Prince Bush. Yay! She got to marry him!

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She loved him for the rest of her life. He loved her for the rest of his life. The end.

Princess Allyat12
P.S. That's what love is all about.

Princess Allyat13
Love is Nice. To learn more, please look in Fort ((????))