Rain rain rain ... the drive to Massachusetts took a long time, but when we finally arrived at ME65 and R68s house we arrived at a party! Party for Q5, K7, and C6. Yes, it isn't even near C6s birthday, but she's decided to forgo a fall gift from Katie so she could participate and get a gift in the spring. I like it. You get enough gifts around your birthday, a half birthday is a bonus.
I'm just going to make this a photo-palooza, OK?
Adorable all. C6mo makes the rest of the girls look like they are in b&w, doesn't she? Notice C6 trying to get in all the photos?
I took FOUR photos of G, G, and C ... in every single one G had her eyes shut!!
A happy birthday, delicious cake (Thank you M41!!), and wonderful family.
ME 64 is ME 65