Monday, October 3, 2011


Before dinner last night Q5 and C7 started getting pesky and irritable and really were being mean to each other.

After finally rounding them up and getting them calm and putting some fruit in their bellies (pear for Q5, apple for C7) (FWIW, we call these pre-dinner fruits and veggies "appletizers") I asked them to tell me what they liked about their sister. I started with Q5, then asked C7. Then Q5 again. And so forth. We went back and forth at least 10 times and by the end they both were in good moods and were feeling very affectionate toward each other.

Some of what Q5 likes about C7:
Her clothing choices
The fact that C7 was a good big sister
The fact that C7 made me and C42 a mom and a dad
C7s sweet voice

Some of what C7 likes about Q5:
Q5 is adorable
The fact that Q5 made C7 a sister
Q5's ability to make C7 laugh
The games they play together

on the way to school

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