Saturday, August 16, 2008

Little girl yesterday, big girl today.

About six months ago C3 told us she could put herself to bed. Which she did. And hasn't done again since. Which is fine. But I know she is getting more independent daily, as she likes to do thing on her own, and I feel comfortable letting her do them.

About 2 months ago I asked C3 if she wanted to go into Glut by herself, since she wanted to buy something very very badly and Q2 was asleep in the Big Blue, and thus I wouldn't fit through the doorway. I would have stood at the door and watched her the whole time, because the dried pineapples are just a few feet from the door, as is the checkout. But the whole incident set C3 off, she was so upset, insisted she wasn't big enough to go into a store by herself, she was just a little girl. She cried practically the whole way home, very upset because we didn't get the dried pineapple and she was too small to get it herself.

Today she told me she could walk to our neighbors house by herself to deliver a letter (both girls had drawn pictures and decorated envelopes for Miss J, our wonderful neighbor). Not that the house is far; she is an immediate neighbor. But she has 3 plots of land, so she isn't within whisper distance, either. I can't actually see her front door from my porch. I went to the porch as C3 left. She promptly turned around to tell me she didn't need me, but I told her I was just tidying the porch up, I wasn't going to go with her. Watch her like a hawk, yes, follow her no.

C39 came out and watched, too. He walked down to the sidewalk so he could see C3 at the door. Where she stood for a while trying to ring Miss J's door. The doorbell is difficult, and she turned around and saw C39 and yelled for help, and they went in together.

But I like that she wanted to do it herself. And that we can let her.

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