Wednesday, January 21, 2009


C4 goes to school on Wednesday, but Q2 does not. Since a music class has been taking place from 9:30-10:30 every Wednesday, Q2 & I have been going. We are late every week, yes, but she enjoys it, and so I'm sucking it up. I hate being late.

This week I brought the camera. I didn't get a lot of the action (her asking for a song about a pug. and a song about a cat named Milo. and a song about a dog named Otis), but I got a ton of her and K2 eating muffins, which I think is Q2's favorite part about the class.

Do you know the muffin girl?

They also loved a song I made up:

Do you know the muffin girls, the muffin girls, the muffin girls?
Do you know the muffin girls who live in H---------?

When we got to our town they just busted out with the giggles.

But here they are.

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