Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dang it

I keep thinking about things I want to blog for you, but I keep promptly forgetting them. Got to write them down, right?

One thing that came up yesterday, though, was C4, and her intellect. C39 & I, of course, think she is a brilliant amazing girl. But I've gotten no feedback to THAT end from school this year. It is like ... the parents whose children who make no trouble don't get any feedback from school. Kind of frustrating.

But a friend of mine suggested that C4 was reading at a 2nd grade level (I agree with that assessment, actually) and that perhaps she should be tested for the talented and gifted program and possibly have her IQ tested. This friend (who worked with children before having her own child) suggested that her IQ was in the 130-140 range.

I know it means nothing in terms of future success, but it still means pretty damn smart.

But, of course, I knew that. It isn't every 3-4 year old who has taught herself to read.


To be fair, the 2s teachers are in love with Q3 and think she is the brightest sweetest thing. But we all know she's a tiny bit more conventional than C4.

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