Thursday, October 13, 2011

Talent show tryouts

As I'm sure you are aware, C7 did the talent show at HES last year. She did a GREAT job. Ever since then she has been excited about both she and Q5 doing the talent show together. Q5 has been steadily non-committal. Well, that's not true, sometimes she goes for it, sometimes she doesn't. But the one who was really excited was C7.

So this week the talent show the talent show the talent show! Tryouts. We somehow missed the permission form but at the last minute C42 procured one, and C7 got a spare from her teacher and we filled it out for C7. And C5, who had been saying no no no suddenly decided she'd do a puppet show for the talent show.

A puppet show. She had one paper doll and a few accessories (a toothbrush, watermelon, and a lemon) and she did her thing. I don't know what that thing looked like, exactly, since she decided to do it on the way to bed.

C7 decided to do a expose of facts about Pearl Harbor. She researched (her atlas and Wikipedia and her very own brain) then wrote them out on two large pieces of scrap paper. She refused to consider the idea of doing a monologue or dialogue with Q5. So I typed them out for her and then suggested we reorder them ...ha! We got them in order so they made sense.

I went to school at the regular time in case Q5 decided to back out at the last minute. She didn't. Plus C7 came and picked her up out of the classroom like C42 had told her to. So I walked home, and picked them up at 3:15.

When I got there Mrs. H. told me Q5 had done a great job ... but she only had one puppet (yup. knew that) and maybe she could make another one and have a little skit to go with the puppets. Great sounds great. She said Q5 did a great job.

Then she pulled herself together and talked about C7. And suggested to me the we do a powerpoint or something for behind C7 while she spews her facts. Great idea! I thought maybe we could combine the puppet show with the Pearl Harbor facts, but ... when we got in the hall to leave Q5 bust out crying and saying she never wants to go back to the talent show, she didn't want to go on stage alone (how about with C7?), she didn't want to go on stage with fewer than 10 other people.

Well, I understand. So we went out to Yogi Castle just to celebrate the fact that they both tried out, and that Q5 was so brave to even try out when this was difficult for her.

Oh, and C42 had a great if irreverant idea for how to do the Pearl Harbor facts ... lets see if it pans out.

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