Sunday, April 1, 2012

Assateague and Chincoteague Day 2 part 1

Day two was our only full day on the islands, and we headed straight out to Assateague Island, Chincoteague National Park. Confusing? Yes.

Wildlife sightings (pony, great blue heron, and great egret):

Ponies Great Blue Heron

Talk about wild:

Q5 and ponies C7 with ponies

The ponies we saw here were across a ditch, a fence, and some water, so they were a ways away, but we got to see some great pony action as they had some internal disputes. Creamy (so named by Q5 the day before from the boat) and another horse did some neighing and rearing up. They settled down after a few minutes, but it was interesting to watch.

We headed to the Assateague lighthouse, still being used, but not owned by the coast guard. That plus it is a good bit further from the coast than it had been when it was built, as the sandbars have built up. But here are the girls and C42 at the bottom.

At the lighthouse

The lighthouse was cool because the walls inside don't slope, they are straight up and down ... the walls outside slope. Is that normal for lighthouses? I don't know! The walk from the parking lot to the lighthouse was quick and easy, and bug free. I hear if you go at any time of the year it is a bug-fest, so that was a good thing! I was worried it wouldn't be much of a view from he top, but despite what looked to be fog on the ground wasn't an issue from the top.

We walked up the ... approximately 228 steps up and got a great view of the area. And the tour guide at the top (who was very willing to chat) took a photo of all of us. The first one was probably better, but this one is more representative:

All of us on lighthouse

After the lighthouse we walked over to the nature center and looked at the exhibits. Best moment there? Q5 climbing the pole to look through the binoculars.

Pole climbing 2012-03-31 10.18.23

Then we headed off to the beach and collected sand and shells and just enjoyed looking at the waves.

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